That’s us tooting our own horn. We’re proud to share our accomplishments with you!

Athena Akron Leadership Awards- Finalist 2024

The ATHENA Leadership Award celebrates exemplary leadership. Over 8,000 recipients have been honored with the ATHENA Leadership Award since the program’s inception in 1982. The ATHENA Leadership Award’s rich history, international scope and focus on mentorship distinguish it as one of the most prestigious leadership awards one can receive.

Weatherhead 100 — 2022 & 2021

​The Weatherhead 100 awards are the foremost celebration of Northeast Ohio’s spirit of entrepreneurship. Each year, they recognize an elite group of companies that are the best example of leadership, growth, and success in our region.

Smart Culture Award — 2022

Smart Culture Award recognizes local organizations that have demonstrated cutting-edge practices in sustaining a Smart Culture as well as in-depth presentations from experts who are leading the way.

State Recognition from LaRose — 2022

March is Women’s History Month, and accordingly, it is the perfect time to celebrate women-owned businesses home grown in Ohio. These women entrepreneurs have set goals and embraced challenges, all while being mothers, sisters, daughters, and business owners!

Constangy Work-Life Balance Award — 2021

The Excellence in Work-Life Balance Award recognizes companies that are successfully promoting work-life balance through the development of specific policies and programs.

SME Distinguished Marketing and Sales Award — 2020

The Distinguished Marketing and Sales Awards (DMSA) is the profession’s premier honor to acknowledge excellence and provide community recognition for outstanding sales and marketing achievements.

Smart Business Northeast Ohio Smart 50 Award — 2017

The Northeast Ohio Smart 50 Awards honors top executives from the 50 smartest companies in the Northeast Ohio region for their ability to effectively build and lead successful organizations.

NSME Akron/Canton Achievement in Excellence Award — 2015

The Akron/Canton National Sales & Marketing Executives (NSME) chapter’s “Accent on Excellence Event” presents the  Achievements in Excellence Award™ to those who have demonstrated the highest levels of professionalism during their sales or marketing careers.

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